International colloquium on neurotechnology and neurorehabilitation
Torino, 13 Maggio 2013 - Salone d'Onore Castello del Valentino

Interfacing with the Central and Peripheral Nervous System, to decode the information flow, is one of the most challenging and fastest developing fields bridging Biomedical Engineering and Neurosciences. Detection of signals from, and application of stimuli to, the Nervous and the Neuromuscular Systems involve areas such as Brain and Body-Computer Interfaces, interpretation of EEG and EMG signals, brain stimulation, neural plasticity, biofeedback and rehabilitation games, robotics and prosthesis control, ergonomics and work-related disorders, sport training and countermeasures to microgravity effects, neuromuscular stimulation for research, functional and therapeutic purposes, as well as assessment of effectiveness of training and treatments in view of health care cost reduction.
The presentations, by four renowned experts in the field, will describe the state of the art and the perspectives for the near future. The most recent achievements and the expected developments of four leading groups will be presented and discussed. Engineering, medical and health professionals and students are invited as well as physical therapists and experts in movement sciences, rehabilitation, occupational and sport medicine, ergonomists, obstetricians.
Interfacing with the Central and Peripheral Nervous System, to decode the information flow, is one of the most challenging and fastest developing fields bridging Biomedical Engineering and Neurosciences. Detection of signals from, and application of stimuli to, the Nervous and the Neuromuscular Systems involve areas such as Brain and Body-Computer Interfaces, interpretation of EEG and EMG signals, brain stimulation, neural plasticity, biofeedback and rehabilitation games, robotics and prosthesis control, ergonomics and work-related disorders, sport training and countermeasures to microgravity effects, neuromuscular stimulation for research, functional and therapeutic purposes, as well as assessment of effectiveness of training and treatments in view of health care cost reduction.
The presentations, by four renowned experts in the field, will describe the state of the art and the perspectives for the near future. The most recent achievements and the expected developments of four leading groups will be presented and discussed. Engineering, medical and health professionals and students are invited as well as physical therapists and experts in movement sciences, rehabilitation, occupational and sport medicine, ergonomists, obstetricians.
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